

‘Redundant’ is a rally cry for creatives, misfits and contradictory humans: an hour of stand-up and songs navigating queer and bi-racial identity, grief, and the taboo powers of hidden disabilities.    

$20 - $29 (plus service fees)
60 minutes, no interval
16 - 17 February 2024
Fri 16 Feb, 6pm - 7pm
Sat 17 Feb, 6pm - 7pm

This show is proud to be part of Auckland Pride Festival 2024. 

Comedian Jess Karamjeet had plans - ambitious ones and downright evil ones - but lately she’s been feeling redundant. Her dad died, and she’s in the queer dating-pool again after four years. There’s also the tiny issue of being a writer and performer with cuts on the horizon... 

But Jess is fighting! ‘Redundant’ is a rally cry for creatives, misfits and contradictory humans: an hour of stand-up and songs navigating queer and bi-racial identity, grief, and the taboo powers of hidden disablities. 

‘The refreshingly raw and unfiltered way Karamjeet shares her experiences as a bisexual woman creates a safe and intimate space for the audience…It feels like I am given a pep-talk by the older sister I never had, where anything goes and nothing is off-limits,’ — Jenni Chan, Rat World underground magazine.

‘A++/five stars. Leaves a lasting impression’ – REDUNDANT, NZICF, audience member.

‘The best comedy show I’ve ever seen’ - GRIEF-SEX-RACE audience member.

‘Authentic! I think it’s high time we see people of colour telling specific stories’ - GRIEF-SEX-RACE audience member.

WINNER: PANNZ Touring Prize, Auckland Fringe  

Originally from the UK, stand-up and screenwriter Jess is a rising star in the New Zealand comedy circuit and was selected for the NZ Comedy Trust’s ‘Ones To Watch’ showcase 2022. She’s a regular at No Homo Queer comedy, and also founded PACSA Laughs, the Pan-Asian Comedy School Aotearoa, which trains Asian women and non-binary creatives in the art of stand-up comedy. 

Jess has performed alongside New Zealand’s best loved comedians, and she’s had solo shows at New Zealand International Comedy Festival and Melbourne International Comedy Festival. 

Her writing credits include soap-operas around the world, and she was one of the brains behind #Chelly but there’s no make-believe here. Her truth-bomb sets will have you on the edge of your seat.

This show is a part of Summer at Q, our month-long festival celebrating independent makers. To explore the full festival line up click here.

Summer at Q - Banner GIF - Q Theatre
Four Winds Logo Lock Up Summer at Q 2024 - Q Theatre

Presented by:
Jess Karamjeet - Writer, producer and performer 

Audience Warnings:
Trigger warnings - references to euthanasia.

Image Credit:
Andi Crown

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