

Bad woman. Self-inflatable insurgents in a temperate feminist cloud of rebellious intentions and depreciating values. INFLATED REBEL walks the bind of power in its deflations and violent softness.

$19 - $29 (Service fees may apply)
55 Minutes
Wed 11 - Sun 15 August

Bad woman. Self-inflatable insurgents in a temperate feminist cloud of rebellious intentions and depreciating values. INFLATED REBEL walks the bind of power in its deflations and violent softness.

A queer breeding experiment where we kill the reared and feed the uncanny. INFLATED REBEL probes the binaries of orthodoxy and rebellion, courage and bravado, submission and humility, and asks, what happens when the only thing to fear is the babe itself? 

A collision of interpretation. push hard into the practice of defining the intimate intersections between the female experience and the strange lands of their collective imagination. How do we be a badder bad woman? How do you be a gooder good woman? May the in-between scare us to death/climax.

Matchbox Footer - Q Theatre

Contains partial nudity and may contain haze.

Supported by:
Creative New Zealand
University of Auckland Dance Studies
Q Theatre

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